Friday, November 6, 2009

Output levels of commercially available portable compact disc players and the potential risk to hearing.

This article just kept on talking about the different hazardous household appliances out there and about how dangerous it is for our ears. I still don’t understand why they did not put it in simpler words. Then it started talking about other everyday appliances that can hurt your too. I think we wont ever be able to protect our ears completely from everything. We don’t all carry around ear protectors or something. There is of course a lot of truth behind this article. I understand there is potential danger to lose one’s hearing through listening to loud music, noises or just sounds over a long period of time. But how often does that happen? They are not talking about this argument without nay proof, but I think they are talking about extremes. Sure I like loud music, that does not mean I am going to be blasting it 24/7. I guess what I am trying to say is that I don’t disagree with the article. I just think that they are exaggerating a tad bit with the household appliances. Are they trying to tell me to watch out with the lawn mower or that I should definitely stay clear of those damn leaf blowers? Alert the neighbors! Alert the children! Cover your ears because the leaf-blowers are coming, the leaf-blowers are coming! Nope. I don’t think it’s that serious. At least not yet.

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